Opening Reception: Rachel Gregor "Still Summer"

Rachel Gregor, a white woman with bleach blond hair, stands in a white wall gallery between her two paintings of teenage girls wearing Nu Metal band hoodies outside on a late summer day.
Artist Rachel Gregor between her works Poser I (Other Than a Morning View) and Poser II (Besides Follow the Leader)


Though Rachel Gregor's paintings of teenage girls experiencing the summer before highschool foreground her figures' angst and dread, the opening reception of her solo exhibition Still Summer was full of warmth, comradery, and a sigh of relief that that period of life had passed (at least for most attendees). Thank you to all our guests-friends, family, artists, and acquaintances alike-for filling the night with boundless moments of joy and celebration. Though the evening couldn't last forever, the figures in Gregor's paintings remind us that "forever" is, usually, just a series of short moments to recall later. 


If you missed the opening reception, Still Summer is on view at our Los Angeles location through December 2nd. To learn more about the exhibition and our upcoming exhibition schedule, please email


A crowd of about thirty young people gathers inside a white wall art gallery with skylights for the opening reception of Rachel Gregor's painting exhibition, Still Summer.

A group of young people stand in a large white wall gallery looking at Rachel Gregor's framed paintings of teenage girls going in their homes or at the park in the last days of summer before highschool.

A handful of people stand in a white wall gallery with concrete floors looking at Rachel Gregor's framed paintings of teenage girls on the dock, in the park, or in their backyards enduring the summer before highschool.

Artist Rachel Gregor, a white woman with bleach blonde hair, speaks to her friend, a tall man with black hair, at the opening reception of her solo exhibition Still Summer. They stand in a white wall gallery with her framed paintings of girls outside doing summer activities, but the look on their faces reveal they hate it.

Artist Rachel Gregor (middle right) speaks to a friend.


Two women stand in a white wall gallery with concrete floors looking at a clustering of framed paintings of languid girls either near a body of water or inside the dark, black water holding onto a buoy.

A woman stands in front of Rachel Gregor's framed paintings of languid adolescent girls reposed in a park. They hang on a white wall inside a Los Angeles art gallery with concrete floors and sky lights.

Artist Rachel Gregor and LA Director Dasha Matsuura stand together between two of Rachel's framed paintings, where nude girls crouch together, plotting against something slightly out of view.

Artist Rachel Gregor (left) and Los Angeles Director Dasha Matsuura (right)


Meera, a small nervous black dog, sits on a concrete floor inside an art gallery with Rachel Gregor's framed paintings of evil teenage girls above her.

LA Gallerina, Meera

November 21, 2023
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