Opening Reception: Erik Jones "Muse"

Erik Jones, a white man with long hair wearing a camo print shirt, stands in front of his painting with two colorful nude women. He stands in a white wall art gallery with white concrete floors.
Artist Erik Jones with his work Two Muses Running


The opening of Erik Jones's solo exhibition Muse at Hashimoto Contemporary NYC was as active as the artist's bright, dynamic paintings. A full house of friends, artists, and acquaintances old and new deliberated over Jones's unique artistic process until the very end of the night. As always, we must thank our friends, family, and guests of all sorts for supporting and musing over our artists opening after opening.


If you missed the opening reception you can catch Muse at our NYC location through December 9th. To learn more about the exhibition and our upcoming exhibition schedule, please email


Two people stand in an art gallery looking at the painting and study drawing of


A crowd of people gather inside Erik Jones's solo exhibition Muse inside a New York City art gallery with white walls and florescent lighting.

Artist Erike Jones (far right) speaks to a visitor


A crowd of people gather inside Erik Jones's solo exhibition Muse inside a New York City art gallery with white walls and florescent lighting.


Two people look at Erik Jones's painting


Two people stand and take pictures of a painting by Erik Jones of three nude colorful women descending the painting's frame.


A woman looks at Erik Jones's painting of a white woman with blonde hair smiling inside a hellish fire.


Three people in winter coats stand in front of a painting of two nude woman in front of active volcanoes.

November 18, 2023
of 285