Opening Reception: Corey K. Lamb "Maiden"

A man and woman stand close to each other in a white wall art gallery looking at a huge painting of a pink woman with black hair cradling her baby

It is perhaps too poetic that Corey Lamb's solo exhibition Maiden opened the day before the end of daylight savings time, a bridge from the long, bright summer days into the darkness of winter. Under the glow of the gallery lights, friends and guests pondered Lamb's body of work that explores men's view of a one-dimensional female archetype: the maiden. Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate the exhibition's opening-and contemplate your existential role in the human project.


If you missed the opening of Maiden, the exhibition is on view at our SF gallery until November 22nd. 


For more information on the show or our upcoming exhibition schedule, please email 


Two people stand in a white wall gallery with concrete floors looking at two small, brightly colored paintings obscured by how far away they appear.

A group of young people stand in a white wall gallery with concrete floors talking and laughing. In the background are two paintings: one green with nude figures dancing in a cirlce, and another bright pink with a dark green skeleton throwing up.

Two people stand in a white wall gallery with concrete floors looking at two paintings: one pink with a dark green skeletong throwing up and another bright green and yellow of a nude woman approaching a crying clown from around a tree while a dark skeleton looms over the scene.

An older man stands in front of a green paintings with colorful nude women dancing in front of a dark green skull, taking a horizontal picture with his phone.

A woman holds her coat and walks past two paintings on a white wall: one is a pink paintings of a buttocks where a clown on one cheek and a dark skeleton on the other grab a cheek to enter, the other is a painting of a women facing the viewer, holding a dark grey man's head in front of her chest, her yellow lashes framing her wide open blue eyes on pink body.

A group of people stand in front of two paintings in a white walled gallery with florescent lights, taking pictures of the paintings on their phone.

A photo of the entrance to Hashimoto Contemporary art gallery, showing the vinyl text of the exhibition's name




November 9, 2023
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