Opening Reception: "A Decade Of The Jaunt"

The founder of The Jaunt and curator Jeroen Smeet at the opening reception
Thank you so much to everyone who came out to the opening of  A Decade Of The Jaunt, a group exhibition curated by The Jaunt  at Hashimoto Contemporary Los Angeles! It was so wonderful having artists, friends and collectors share this very special evening with us. If you missed opening night, the exhibition will be on view until Saturday, May 13th. We are open Tuesday - Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm. 
To learn more about the exhibition or our upcoming exhibition schedule, email  us at
Founder and curator of The Jaunt Jeroen Smeet and LA director Dasha Matsuura
Founder and curator of The Jaunt Jeroen Smeet and LA Director Dasha Matsuura
Two people viewing art in the gallery at Hashimoto Contemporary Los AngelesA person looking at sculptures on a pedestal in the gallery at Hashimoto Contemporary LAArtist We Are Out Of Office with their sculpture on a pedestal
Artists Felix van Dam and Winnek de Groot of We Are Out Of Office
Artist Cleon Peterson and curator Jeroen Smeet of The Jaunt
Artist Cleon Peterson and curator of The Jaunt Jeroen Smeet 
A person looking at the gallery wall at Hashimoto Contemporary Los AngelesA person looking at The Jaunt book in the galleryThe gallery wall with two rows of print posters and a stack on books on a desk counterArtist Sebastian Curi and curator of The Jaunt Jeroen Smeet
Artist Sebastian Curi and curator of The Jaunt Jeroen Smeet
Artist Anna Valdez
Artist Anna Valdez 
A group of people in the gallery at Hashimoto Contemporary Los AngelesPeople inside of the gallery at the opening reception of A Decade Of The Jaunt
April 28, 2023
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