Joel Daniel Phillips at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery

Joel Daniel Phillips standing in front of his graphite drawing with Quraysh Ali Lansana


The Outwin 2022: American Portraiture Today
Featuring work by Joel Daniel Phillips and Quraysh Ali Lansana
National Portrait Gallery - Smithsonian Institution
Washington, DC
April 30, 2022 – February 26,2023


Congratulations to Joel Daniel Phillips and Quraysh Ali Lansana for their selection as commended prizewinners in the 2022 Outwin Boochever Potrait Competition at the Smithsonian Institution's National Portrait Gallery! Their collaborative drawing and accompanying poetry work are now on view at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC, on view through February 26, 2023.


The Outwin 2022: American Portraiture Today presents 42 portraits selected through an open call that garnered more than 2,700 entries from artists working across the United States and Puerto Rico. Phillips' drawing Killed Negative #13 / After Arthur Rothstein and Quraysh Ali Lansana's poem hospitality are part of an ongoing series in response to Farm Security Administration (FSA) archive photographs in the 1930's. 


Learn more about the prizewinning works here


Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery prizewinning awards - five people stand on stage


Joel Daniel Phillips Killed Negative drawing on view at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery

May 18, 2022
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