Studio Visit: Seonna Hong

Seonna Hong in her studio


Hashimoto Contemporary Los Angeles is excited to annouce Seonna Hong's upcoming solo show  Late Bloomer.


Our Los Angeles team had the chance to visit Seonna Hong's studio and check out the works in progress for her show.  Check out some of the photos below!


On view: January 15th - February 5th, 2022

Location: 2754 S La Cienega Blvd Suite B, Los Angeles


To inquire or request the upcoming collector please email LA  Director Dasha Matsuura  at 


Appointments to view the show in-person can be made here.


All photographs taken by Shaun Roberts


Seonna Hong in her studio


Seonna Hong's work in her studio


Seonna Hong's work


Seonna Hong's studio


Seonna Hong in her studio


Seonna Hong mixing paint


Seonna Hong painting in her studio

December 21, 2021
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