
Hashimoto Contemporary is pleased to present Torn, a new body of work by Minnesota-based artist Gregory Euclide. Euclide's works are non-traditional mixed media assemblages which resemble landscape paintings but defy categorization, exploring ideas surrounding nature and the human experience. 

Opening Night Reception:
Saturday, October 15th

6pm - 8pm


Gallery Hours:
Tuesday - Saturday / 10am - 6pm


Hashimoto Contemporary NYC

54 Ludlow Street

New York, NY 10002

(Google Maps)


Advance Collector's Preview:

An advance collector"s preview will be made available online before the exhibition opens. If you would like to receive a price list please contact us at jenn@hashimotocontemporary.com

Press release

Hashimoto Contemporary is pleased to present Torn, a new body of work by Minnesota-based artist Gregory Euclide. Euclide's works are non-traditional mixed media assemblages which resemble landscape paintings but defy categorization. The artist's work explores ideas surrounding nature and the human experience. 

For his latest body of work, the artist utilizes ink, acrylic paint, and torn elements of earlier works on paper, collaging them into new and fresh  compositions. They are custom framed and floated in a simple white frame. 


The works will be on view Saturday, October 15th to Saturday, January 7th at Hashimoto Contemporary NYC's viewing room. For more informationon this exhibition or to request an online collector's preview, please contact NYC Director, Jennifer Rizzo, at jenn@hashimotocontemporary.com